Just Jaina Solo?

Jaci Twiss and Tye Nelson as Jaina Solo and Jacen Solo in ‘The Distant Echo: A Star Wars Fanfilm.’

In the Star Wars fandom, most if not all Star Wars legends fans, associate Jaci Twiss as Jaina Solo. Since Jaci and Tye Nelson introduced themselves to the fandom by landing major roles in two YouTube fanfilms called Star Wars Legends: Legacy of the Force – Fanfilm (film adaptation to the ‘Invincible’ novel of the Star Wars legends ‘Legacy of the Force’ series written by author Troy Denning), and The Distant Echo: A Star Wars Fanfilm (a fanfilm that does a crossover with Star Wars legends Darth Caedus/Jacen Solo, Kylo Ren, Jaina Solo, and Rey) both with views approximately over 89.3k. (Legacy of the Force has 1.3M views and Distant Echo has 88k.) Since the two fanfilms, both actors became fan favorites with non-stop fanart, tweets, blogs, videos, plus much more. In addition to this, they both received huge recognition at Comic Con winning awards for their commitment to the fanfilms. It’s truly wonderful and a great accomplishment but what about Rey?

Jaci Twiss as Rey in ‘The Distant Echo: A Star Wars Fanfilm.’
Star Wars Legends: Legacy of the Force -Fanfilm
The Distant Echo: A Star Wars Fanfilm

As proven above, the fan engagement is incredible. Not just incredible, but very powerful. If used in a positive approach and the fans reveal exactly what they want, change is possible. Anything is possible.

“When Sci-Fi fans use their voices (and their wallets) to promote positive change rather than toxicity, progress is possible.”


Source via https://articles.aplus.com/film-forward/diversity-in-science-fiction.html

However, Sci-Fi is not the only place where fans have the power to promote positive change. It can be anywhere and for this article, I tend to choose to remind Jaci’s fans of this power. I strongly believe that yes, Jaina Solo is the step in the right direction but so would be Rey. Rey is more recognizable to the mainstream media and the fact that Jaci stepped out of her comfort zone from Jaina Solo to Rey says alot. If we all step outside our comfort zone, it would help get Jaci recognized. Just like Aplus.com said, if we all step out of our comfort zones and contributed to Jaci Twiss our time and efforts, (even if that means through distribution of money legally), then we all have a bright future ahead of us.

Jaci Twiss and Tye Nelson as Kylo Ren and Rey in ‘The Distant Echo: A Star Wars Fanfilm.’

How to engage in the world of Jaci Twiss

  • Encourage people to be aware of roles Jaci has played in OTHER than Star Wars. For example, her characters Megan Hughes (Rescued), Sara Taylor (Turn Around), and even characters like Ethelinda (The Saxon Chronicles) is enough to convince many people as much as her role as Jaina Solo has convinced people. If you can’t encourage action (like what most go for <violence>), go for the sappy romance. Ship your favorite couples! Promote a strong female lead. There’s more to do than the above mentioned, but it’s certainly a start.
  • Create more edits and artwork. You do not have to be professionally licensed to do so. Artwork and videos are known to bring awareness to the media and they are effective tools to tell businesses what you want. A little goes a long way.
  • Engage through positive talk even if you disapprove. I speak from experience that major franchises are listening to their fans. Do the hashtags to say what, how, why, and all the questions by the book to convince people.
  • Campaigns and promotions with money involved (legally of course) will bring attention to your cause. Your campaigns positively stating why they should look into it and will it be worth the money. Doing this as freely as possible is hard but not if both is done. Many good ones do both. I’ve witnessed even really good non-official fansites even help by resharing and distributing to their media. For this to happen, Jaci Twiss fans will need really good content so the Jaci Twiss Street Team is asking for fan support. Please distribute any Jaci Twiss media you find. My current campaign I will in my next blog explain more to it but to convince sponsors and dollar invested franchises, Jaci will have to have not just a strong audience, but the bigger businesses will need a strong/good reason to make Jaci’s dream come true. Fans do have the power to help so don’t be afraid to say anything. Don’t assume also nobody cares. Once again, a little goes a long way. Good luck.

This is Halloween and Sports? (July Issue)

For this month’s issue, I decided to ask about sports. Following Jaci for quite some time, I noticed Jaci’s love for the NBA’s Utah Jazz and during last year’s NFL’s playoffs plus the Superbowl in Atlanta, Georgia, I noticed Jaci rooting for the NFC’s Los Angeles Rams although they lost to the AFC’s New England Patriots. Why should I be surprised she loves the Chicago Cubs? Well, who wouldn’t love baseball especially going to your first MLB baseball game? This interview has some twists to it but sports is common for a good day for holiday relaxation.

Q1: Most people like athletes such as @drewbrees has foundations to help those who they feel should receive donations. I know you are the type to give back to the community but anyone or anything specifically?

A1: “I’d give back to many charities, it would be hard to choose just one. I’d support animals, immigrants at the border, teachers etc”

Q2: Speaking of #DrewBrees, I know you have a love for sports particularly the @utahjazz . Could you tell me more about your interest in sports? 🏀🏈🎾⚾⚽🎱🏁🚲

A2: “I LOVE, more like I’m obsessed with the Jazz and love Real Salt Lake. I also am a lifelong Cubs fan.”

Q3: Being that the 4th of July is coming up, what do you love the most about this time of the year? Since we’re on the subject of holidays, is there a favorite holiday of yours? 🔥💨❗

A3: “this time of year reminds me of happiness and being with friends and family. My favorite holiday, hands down is Halloween.”

Although I am not surprised Jaci loves Halloween (being I follow her accounts), it still is a little twist to this interview because the upcoming holiday is the 4th of July (United States Independence Day). Coincidentally, Halloween is around the corner so be prepared to be paid a visit from the Pumpkin King. As far as July is concerned, sit back, enjoy a nice barbecue, and watch the fireworks. Happy birthday USA.

Perfect for every occasion. Via OhmyDisney.

OhmyDisney link: https://ohmy.disney.com/movies/2015/01/22/a-jack-skellington-expression-for-every-occasion/

While you’re visiting, be sure to stop by and check out this video of Jaci Twiss in action.

View this post on Instagram

Self tape outtakes with @remoore30 #ohshit @talentmg

A post shared by Jaci Twiss (@sharkbait_jace) on

Also, be sure to visit Jaci’s most recent video post on her Instagram

“I LOVE, more like I’m obsessed with the Jazz and love Real Salt Lake.”

Jaci Twiss

Inside Jaci Twiss (May Issue)

In this issue, I decided to ask about Jaci’s inspirations about her love of acting. I also went ahead and asked what fans (most fans) would want to know about Jaci’s upcoming minor role in ‘Good Joe Bell’, a movie about a teenager named Jadin Bell who took his own life due to bullying and non-acceptance from his loved ones because he was gay. The movie also stars Mark Wahlberg as Joe Bell and Connie Britton as Lola Bell. https://variety.com/2019/film/news/mark-wahlberg-connie-britton-good-joe-bell-brokeback-mountain-1203186535/ With quite a few questions of my own, I wanted to learn about Jaci’s inspirations and here’s what I received:

Q1: Most actors eventually become directors of their own movies. (Channing Tatum, Jason Momoa) If given that opportunity, how will you choose to direct your own film?

A1: “If I were to direct my own movie, I’d take notes from the lovely Olivia Wilde.”

Q2: You’ve been busy with your role in the upcoming movie ‘Good Joe Bell’ starring Mark Wahlberg and Connie Britton. Are you allowed to share what’s to expect? 🙂

A2: “I only worked on ‘Good Joe Bell’ for one day and I’m afraid I’m not allowed to discuss anything further at this time.”

Q3: Growing up, did you have a favorite play? (Alice in Wonderland, et cetera?)

A3: “Favorite play…that’s a good question, I’ll have to come back to that.”

For more news, articles, interviews, and more: visit me here on https://jacitwissost.home.blog/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissTwissUniverse/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JaciTwissOST

“If I were to direct my own movie, I’d take notes from the lovely Olivia Wilde.”

Jaci Twiss

Woman’s Best Friend?? (April Issue)

If you follow Jaci Twiss and her social media, most fans would learn that Jaci is a huge animal rights supporter. She believes in animals being treated fairly. Well, she also has, besides her husband Ryan Moore, two more huge loves in her life. I decided to get inside the lives of her dogs; well, who could blame the fact that dogs are truly man’s or in this case, woman’s best friend.

Dodge and Rudy, Jaci’s favorite pups

Q1: At what age did you get interested in acting?

A1: “As long as I can remember but entered the industry at 15.”

Q2: I’d love to know more about your dogs. Could you tell me about them? 🙂

A2: “Of course! I’m a huge animal freak, as many people know. And my boys are like my kids, Dodge and Rudy are the best! Rudy will be 1 on the 24th of this month, he has the funniest personality. His current favorite thing is playing hide and seek. Dodge is our mini, Ryan had him before we began dating. Once I met him, he was my instant buddy. I could go on and on about my boys.”

Q3: Final question for this month’s interview: Once you do land a huge role in your acting career, what will be your plans?

A3: “Hope I get to continue following my dream and fulfill my passion. If lucky, be able to be in a position to give back, go to college and travel more.”

For more information about Jaci Twiss, be sure to stay connected to her social media accounts on the following:

WordPress website: https://jacitwiss.com

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/JaciTwiss/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sharkbait_jace/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MissTwiss

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/actressJaciTwiss/

Photography by Travis J

“Hope I get to continue following my dream and fulfill my passion. If lucky, be able to be in a position to give back, go to college and travel more.”

Jaci Twiss

Fashion & Mermaids (March Issue)

Jaci Twiss gave me a good look into her interests of many unexpected twists and turns. I mean mermaids? She loves the mermaids which means loves the fashion because well, she’s into art and much more, more, more. Here’s my second interview with Jaci:

Q1: You mentioned in our last interview you loved to decorate many things like art, food, et cetera. Do you love fashion as well? If so, tell us about it.

A1: “I’ve always dressed the way I feel comfortable and confident without always trying to keep up with the trends.”

Q2: Do you have a favorite Disney princess?

A2: “Yes!!! Ariel!! The Little Mermaid was the first movie I ever saw in a theater. I immediately wanted to become a mermaid 🧜🏻‍♀️”

Disney’s Ariel from The Little Mermaid

So, to wrap this interview up: she, like many other girls, is a Disney princess at heart. From swimming with the sharks, to exploring and acting, loving the fashion and being herself, she is bright with pure imagination. I’ve said the future is bright with this actress and well, she is proving me right. She knows where she is going. 🙂 ❤

Jaci Twiss by elishabraithwaitephotography
Jaci Twiss shows off her love for mermaids with this tattoo 

Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/p/By_0Mvxhkmp/

“I’ve always dressed the way I feel comfortable and confident without always trying to keep up with the trends.”

Jaci Twiss

The Wonders of Jaci Twiss (February Issue)

Photography by Reed Rowe

This being my very first interview with actress Jaci Twiss. So far, it is an incredible journey for myself to support her this way because as I mentioned here in the conclusion, Jaci has a great life especially with being noticed by Ellen DeGeneres. Honestly, that’s only the beginning. As you continue to journey with Jaci herself on her media and my own media, pay attention to my interviews for they will have meaning. Until then, here is the first interview:

Q1: Can you tell us the meaning of your tattoo ‘Let it Be?’

A1: “Well, it happens to be one of my all-time favorite Beatles songs. There is also a deeper personal meaning behind it, which I like to keep to myself.”

Q2: What else besides acting do you enjoy doing and why?

A2: “That’s tough, I like to do a lot of things. Cook, bake, decorate cakes, interior design, drawing, painting, coloring, and spending a cozy night in with my pups and my hubby. Just to name a few. 😉”

Q3: If you could act in any movie or TV show, what would it be?

A3: “Good question! I’d love to costar on NBC’s ‘This is Us’, ‘The Good Place’, or ‘Will and Grace!’ I’d also be very happy to be in any HBO programming or on a Netflix original. Dream movie, again there are many but I’d like to be part of the Marvel family.”

Q4: What’s your gameplan to inspire your followers? Any motivating advice to your fans?

A4: “Embrace who you are. 💝 No matter your gender, sexual orientation, race, religious and political beliefs; we all have more in common than you think. And whatever you do with this life, do it with love and kindness. Follow your passion and only do things that make you happy. Listen to others advice and take it into consideration but ultimately listen to your inner voice and heart.”

Q5: One final question out of our top five wonders of you…. What inspired your nickname ‘SharkBaitJace’ and why?

A5: “I became a certified scuba diver when I was 12; my family had planned a trip to Muai and my dad, Jeff Twiss and I wanted to become certified in time of our trip. Still one of my favorite memories. I’ve always been a shark fanatic and on that trip I attracted sharks, which I loved. One sketchy dive in particular and a story far too long for Twitter. The dive masters were following a white tip reef shark, which happened to be following me. Once we were back on the boat and I gave them a little scare, they gave me the nickname.”

Screencap from the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron 

The top five out of Miss Twiss Universe’s wonders of Jaci Twiss turned out fascinating especially Marvel & the Shark bits! Maybe not as fascinating as Jaci’s video appearing on Ellen but with her interest in Star Wars, there was no surprise there. In conclusion, Jaci is a fighter and a survivor. She’s strong, caring, independent, and talented enough to indeed swim out in the mysterious ocean of life.

Jaci Twiss featured on Ellen’s show

“Embrace who you are. 💝 No matter your gender, sexual orientation, race, religious and political beliefs; we all have more in common than you think.”

Jaci Twiss

Jaci Jaci Jaci?

Photography by Alexis Foust

Jaci Twiss is certainly worth talking about. The American actress has already landed incredible roles like being Jenna Dewan’s co-star to ‘The Jerk Theory’ and getting stuck as Megan Hughes on a Hawaiian island in ‘Rescued.’ Sure, she appeared as minor characters in hit TV networks like Lifetime and ABC, but that doesn’t stop her! She’s already appeared in more than several commercials and she’s not done yet. If you haven’t seen this actress yet, look out because she’s coming in hot!

Vimeo video via the Talent Management Group:

Jaci Twiss appearance in various commercials uploaded by TMG